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[Notice​] Hotel Policy 


Hotel Policy

1. Check-in & Check-out

Children under the age of 19 must be accompanied by a guardian when checking in.
Check-in time is 3 PM and check-out time is 11 AM.
For early check-in and late check-out, the following charges shall apply.

Early check-inLate check-out
Before 9 AM100% of room rate11 AM – 6 PM50% of room rate
9 AM - 3 PM50% of room rateAfter 6 PM100% of room rate

2. Number of guests

  • •All rooms accommodate up to 2 adults. The maximum number of guests per room is four persons, 2 adults and 2 children or infants. Rooms can accommodate up to 3 adults. 3rd adult charges apply.
    • Adults (13 years old or older): 33,000 KRW / VAT included
    • Children (36 months to 12 years old): Free
    • Infants under 36 months: Free
  • •For suite room bookings, Grand Club lounge access is available up to 2 guests. Additional fees apply for additional guests.
    • Adult (13 years old or older): KRW 78,000 / VAT included
    • Children (over 36 months old and under 12 years old): KRW 39,000 / VAT included
    • Infants under 36 months: Free

3. Use of Sofa Bed

Complimentary use of sofa bed in all rooms

4. Cancellation Policy

  • Policies on cancellation and modifications to reservations may vary. Details of penalty fees can be referred to in individual guest's confirmation email.
  • No show or cancellations and modifications made after 11:59 pm (Korean time) 1 day before check-in is subject to 1-night penalty fee.

5. Pet Policy

Pets are not allowed in guest rooms and/or any public facilities within the hotel.
(However, in accordance with the Welfare of Persons with Disabilities Act, Assistance Dogs with assistance dog tags are permitted.)

6. Natural Disaster

For unforeseen circumstances related to acts of God, acts or omission of any government; fires, storms floods or earthquakes, wars, riots, strikes, etc in which the Property can no longer operate normally, guest reservations may be canceled and the use of the hotel and its facilities may be restricted through official notifications from the hotel [by way of text message on mobile phone, website posts, etc.].

7. Use of Property and Damages

  • All guest rooms are in good working condition. If there are any damages to the rooms after check-in, please notify the Guest Service.
  • The Hotel reserves the right to charge the Guest for a fee to remedy any damages to the Hotel and/or fixtures and fittings caused by the Guest's either accidental or intentional or reckless acts of misconduct.
  • The Hotel is not responsible for accidents caused by the product’s defect or the guest's negligence.
  • In case of damages or loss of items caused by guests, the hotel may demand compensation from guests.
  • The use of electricity, heating and use of cooking utensils in the room and/or facilities is prohibited.
  • If guests arbitrarily shifts furniture within the room, including the bed and marble table, etc, the customer's run the risks of causing damage to the furniture and electrical wiring.
  • Hotel assets and equipment may not be removed from the room or at the Hotel’s premises other than their original purpose.

8. Dangerous Goods and Prohibited Items

The use of weapons, explosives, inflammable items, materials and/or other hazardous chemicals inside the hotel is strictly prohibited.
Guests are responsible for any monetary loss or damages that may occur in the hotel affecting other in-house guests, invitees, visitors and/or staff, as a result of carrying dangerous goods and prohibited items.
The following items are not allowed inside the hotel.

  • Hazardous items that are highly inflammable and/or explosives
  • Items with a strong odor
  • Goods that are against domestic laws
  • Use of drones in-house without official permission granted

9. Smoking Guide

All guest rooms and hotel facilities are non-smoking. Smoking in the room, including electronic cigarettes, may trigger the smoke alarm. A room management penalty fee of KRW 250,000 will be imposed upon the guest.

10. Fire Safety Guidelines

  • Guests should be familiar with the location of safety facilities such as the exit of the emergency evacuation map, escape rope, emergency alarm, fire extinguisher, and emergency phone.
  • If you suspect a fire, please call the Guest Service and inform the staff.
  • In case of fire, the room door may be hot. Please be careful when opening the door.
  • When leaving your room in the event of a fire, move as low as possible and head to the nearest emergency exit to avoid suffocation from the smoke. Do not use the elevator.
  • Flashlights and descending life line are safety devices provided for in the room for use during emergencies. These items should only be used only in emergencies.
  • Close the emergency door at the stairway when evacuating and exiting the building. If guests are unable to escape via the stairway, please return to your room and use the emergency escape rope or wait for rescue personnel. Hotel staff and firefighters will assist guests to evacuate the building.
  • Guests unable to evacuate and who are stuck in rooms, should turn off the air conditioner, fill the bathtub with water, and wet the bedsheets with water and seal the door completely. Block smoke vents and open windows if possible, to allow fresh air to enter. Then, call Guest Service to inform that you are in your room.

11. Noise and Disturbances

To ensure that all guests can enjoy the comfort and safety of the accommodation facilities provided by the hotel, the hotel strictly disallows disturbances, rowdy behavior, excessive noise and parties exceeding the permitted number of guests, at any time within the Property. Guests may be asked to leave the hotel without refund. In order to ensure the comfort of other guests, the hotel has a no-noise policy between 10:00 PM to 8:00 AM. If noise and disturbances are likely to affect other hotel staff and/or guests, restrictions on guests may be imposed.

12. Inappropriate Conduct

If the guest behaves inappropriately toward staff or the hotel deems the guest's behavior to be inappropriate, the hotel reserves the right to take action against the guest, and may request the guest to leave without a refund.

13. Credit Card Pre-approval and Deposit

If a credit card is used to guarantee the room reservation, then a credit card deposit may be pre-authorized prior to check-in. For non-refundable reservations, the deposit will be charged to guest’s credit card prior to check-in. An additional deposit may be charged without notice if the amount paid by the guest during the stay exceeds the deposit amount paid by credit card upon check-in. If guests pays deposit in cash, and if the amount to be paid to the room exceeds the deposit amount, the payment to the room may be restricted until the outstanding payment is completed.
In cases where rooms have been transferred without the knowledge to the hotel, guests residing in the room should be liable for the payment of the room.

14. Payment Methods

Major credit cards including American Express, Diners Club, JCB, MasterCard and VISA, as well as point of sales including Samsung Pay and WeChat Pay are accepted. For other types of cards, please contact Guest Service at 064-907-1234. Traveler's checks are not accepted.

15. Parking Fees

The hotel is not responsible for items lost at the carpark. For non-in-house guests using the Property’s parking lots, the hotel is not legally responsible in cases of accidents, losses or thefts.
The hotel operates a 24-hour automated parking system. After 30 minutes of settling the parking fee, KRW 1,000 will be charged every 10 minutes.
In-house guest will be free of charge. Restaurants and retail guests can pay at self service kiosks before leaving. Hotel in-house guests enjoy complimentary parking for up to 1 car per room.

16. Housekeeping Service

Housekeeping service is available from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. For any housekeeping requests, please contact the Guest Service.

17. Guests Privacy

  • Window blinds are for the comfort and privacy of guests.
  • If you do not wish to be disturbed, please press the 'Do Not Disturb' button on the wall by the entrance or the button next to the bed. When the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign is on, there will not be any housekeeping service, delivery of items, and all other services.
  • If guests do not wish to receive external calls, please notify Guest Service.

18. Room Key

Room keys will be delivered after guest is verified at check-in. If guests lose the room key card, please visit the front desk or contact Guest Service.

19. Guests’ Valuables

Please store valuables in the safe. The hotel will not be responsible for the loss of items stored in the safe. For valuable items, please use the safety deposit box operated by the hotel’s front desk.

20. Lost & Found Items

The hotel will store items left behind by the customer for up to 3 months before it is disposed. Perishable items will be disposed of within a week of storage date.

Lost and found items will be kept by the hotel for up to 1 month. For items of perceived high monetary value will be handed over to the police station in accordance with the Lost and Found Act under the Korean law.

21. Hotel Rights

Guests are deemed legally responsible for all such loss or damages caused to the hotel while staying at the Property. By staying at the Property, guests agrees not to cause harm to other guests. Guests is prohibited from arbitrarily transacting with other in-house guests, like transfer, exchange or sell rooms, without prior consent from the hotel. Guests staying without official reservation and prior notice to the hotel, shall be deemed as unauthorized guests and may be asked to leave the hotel and its facilities immediately. This shall be considered as a criminal offence and the hotel will not assume any legal responsibility over such situations and will not provide any compensation nor refunds. In case of non-compliance, the hotel may organize the guest's room luggage and belongings on guests behalf to vacate the hotel. Refusal to comply and agree to the above, and hotel shall have the right to reject guests desire to stay in the hotel’s premise.